Лучшие лендинги. Лучшие landing page: экспертная выборка. Клиент хочет видеть больше, чем читать

With the purpose of saving you time and effort on the creation of a landing page, we have decided to share this compilation of 30 responsive landing page templates , which are ready to go, out of the box. Some of them were even enhanced with live drag-and-drop builders, which will make your web development much faster and worry-free.

Look through the list, maybe your perfect landing page design is included here?

1. Mobile Repair Service (Page builder included)

This fully responsive landing page template was built in a clean, flat style, which allows you to bring your content to the forefront. Bold colors and retina ready images make it easier to separate different content blocks from one another. Readable typography and bold headlines provide for better readability on the page.

Best suited for entertainment and holiday planning web pages, the template looks really impressive. An abundance of high-quality images create a festive atmosphere on the page. Neat icons and readable fonts make it easier for the web audience to scan your content and understand your objectives. It’s one of the most stylish landing page templates by TemplateMonster .

3. Education (Page builder included)

The header of this landing page template welcomes visitors with a simple sign-up form. The clean layout has been enhanced with the smart use of white space, providing for better readability of your content. Flat icons and clear pricing details guide the users through the basic education programs that you provide. The theme is fully integrated with social media, which frees you from the necessity of manual installation of third-party plugins.

4. Real Estate (Page builder included)

This landing page template is intended for effective presentation of your latest projects and new offerings on the web. A large hero area, integrated with blurred video background, serves as a great attention getter. Neat icons added on top have been enhanced with hover effect. Photo galleries, built-in contact form and Google map support are intended to provide the web audience with explicit information about your business.

5. Financial Advisor (Page builder included)

Financial, business and accounting projects can benefit from this professionally built landing page template. If you have loads of content that you would like to present in a logical and well-balanced way, then the clean and concise layout of this financial advisor landing page template is just what you need. Fully customizable, responsive and crossbrowser compatible, it will present your business in a most favorable way.

Special Offer (Expires on May 20, 2016)

Each of the aforementioned 5 landing page templates is available for $19, but the good news is that these five templates are included in one bundle , which you can download for as low as $39 by entering a coupon code LANDING .

Important: the coupon code will expire on May 20th, 2016.

By the way, each template in the bundle is pre-loaded with a drag-and-drop builder, which helps you tweak the layout without touching a line of code.

6. Car Repair

This fully adaptive landing page template has been pre-loaded with a number of smart customization options, which will help you get started in no time. HTML plus JS animation will help you create a truly remarkable web presentation. Parallax scrolling background and lazy load effect will not only enhance your page’s visual appeal, but also speed up its loading.

7. Hotels

The functional yet effective look of this theme will fit hotels, travel, real estate, exterior and interior design web projects perfectly. Scrolljacking technique, which was integrated into this template, makes it both trendy and user-friendly. The users do not need to scroll up or down the page in search of desired content. Instead, they can reach any sought after data with just a click.

8. Construction Company

Non-standard layout of this theme and eye-catching color palette will appeal to every visitor. The theme’s framework is highly adaptable and can adjust flawlessly to any screen size on which it is being viewed. Packed full with multiple customization options, the theme is also very versatile – you can pick it for any project that you have in mind.

9. Home Repairs

Maintenance service companies can create a professional business image on the web by means of this well-coded landing page template. Flat style makes the page easy to scan. While directing the main focus on content, the theme’s developers enhanced the layout with handy booking and contact forms.

10. Flooring

Creativity and style – this is how the template can be described in two words. In fact, the layout has been created in a way that will exude professionalism and a non-standard approach to your interior design company. Images and texts make up a perfect balance on the page, letting users enjoy your creative works while running through the easy-to-follow texts.

11. Business

A sticky menu in the template’s left sidebar facilitates the page’s navigation to a great extent. Providing the users with a quick overview of all the key pieces of content that you share, it also allows your visitors to navigate to any desired information with a click. A built-in contact form has been added to the theme’s header, inviting every visitor to reach out to you for more details.

12. Corpexa

Professionally designed and built with clean, valid code, this business landing page template demonstrates usability across a variety of devices. Equipped with a usable admin panel, the theme also features a variety ofadvanced customization options, which will make it easy for you to adapt the template to your specific needs. Google web fonts, online chat and subscription form have also been added to the pack.

13. Medical

Easy-to-reach contact details and an integrated contact form, easy to scan content, user testimonials, and a list of programs – this landing page template features everything that you need to build trust and attract the web community. The vivid red color scheme is a great attention getter, which evokes curiosity and a thirst for new information.

14. 87 Landing Theme

Breathtaking animation makes this business landing page template more spectacular. Though the color scheme of the layout looks traditional for this type of web project, the parallax scrolling and hover effects that appear as you move your mouse on the page, simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. Enumerated content blocks provide for better page readability.

15. Dance Studio

This responsive one-page template will work well for representing dance, sport, adventure and travel projects on the web. Rich in visuals, it captivates the users with storytelling. The main navigation panel remains fixed to the top of the page, letting the users navigate to any content with a click. Thanks to the integration of lazy load effect, the users will enjoy the speed of your page’s loading on any device.

16. Psychologist

The calm and relaxing atmosphere on the page, that was achieved mainly through full-width video integration and pleasing-to-the-eye color scheme, makes it a perfect fit for medical and healthcare websites. Google map integration, as well as easy to reach contact details, make it very easy for the audience to reach you. Social sharing options provide them with a quick way of getting in touch with you through social media.

17. Steelworks

This landing page template is best suited for industrial websites. The clean and concise layout was enhanced with parallax scrolling backgrounds. Rhombic shapes and non-standard content positioning allow you to create a more eye-catching presentation of your company, its products and services. Readable fonts and large headings make the page more user-friendly.

18. IQ Business

Creative and innovative, the template is intended to present your business project with style. Running on a fully responsive framework, it will adjust all content to multiple screen resolutions flawlessly. Developed with valid HTML/CSS practices, the theme is also SEO-friendly, which guarantees you high page ranking in the search results.

19. Bank

The pixel-perfect design of this landing page template, with the integration of flat style elements, will work really well for presenting accounting, financial and business projects on the web. In addition to some quick information about the company, the header has been enhanced with a full-width video background. Making contact is easy to accomplish. To add a feeling of confidence to the presentation, the theme features user testimonials and a list of accepted payment methods.

20. Software

If you are looking for a ready-made solution to present your software project effectively to the web community, then consider the following theme. Metro style enhances its visual appeal. Direct download links were put in the theme’s header, inviting every visitor to try it out on their own. Stunning animation and lazy load effect make the theme more user-friendly. Video integration and interactive photo gallery will help you introduce your offerings to the audience in a better way.

21. Travel Agency

The template was created specifically to present hot tours and beautiful destination points in a captivating way. An integrated booking form was placed in the theme’s header, inviting every visitor to make a quick reservation on the site. Stunning hover animation and parallax scrolling images will get the web audience immersed in the atmosphere of your agency.

22. Real Estate Agency

This fully featured landing page template will work well not only for real estate but also for design and hotel businesses. A photo heavy layout is best suited for presenting this type of content in the most favorable light. Advanced animation, parallax scrolling effect, image hovers and lazy load effect have all been integrated into the package. If you wish to tweak the layout, this can be achieved easily from the theme’s dashboard.

23. Fashion

Fashion studios and creative photographers can use this theme to present their talents to the online community in an outstanding way. A full-width video background in the header serves as a great attention getter. A contact form above it invites every visitor to approach you for details. Clean and minimalist layout with plenty of white space brings the users’ attention to your portfolio.

24. Car Dealer

Full-width photo backgrounds featuring the parallax scrolling effect let web users get into the atmosphere of your business once they land on your page. Scrolljacking effect adds a sense of interactive functionality to the layout. By clicking any of the items in the theme’s vertical carousel, the users will be taken to the various types of content in the blink of an eye.

25. Home Remodeling

This template is ideal for creating landing pages for construction and industrial companies. Clean and concise design adds more professionalism to their online presentation. Valid code and a fully responsive framework will make the page run flawlessly across a variety of devices.

26. Italian Restaurant

The key purpose of any food-related website is to stimulate the appetite of every user who reaches it. For landing pages, this factor is of tremendous importance as well. This Italian Restaurant template has been pre-loaded with mouthwatering dishes on the menu, which demonstrate your refined cuisine at its best. Following your restaurant’s menu, a quick reservation form and integrated Google map allow you to establish contact with your prospective clients.

The clean and professional style of this theme will help you create a trustworthy business presentation on the web. Spacious layout and a neutral color scheme provide for better readability of your content. Though the page is not rich in various types of content, it introduces the users to the key data that they need to know about you – a couple of words about your company story, services and contact details.

29. Cafe and Restaurant

The stylish and elegant design of this landing page template is intended for presenting singers, music bands and other creative professionals on the web. The layout is diverse in multiple types of content. Here you can share a playlist of your latest singles. The theme has plenty of space for sharing your upcoming tours’ schedule and even highlighting some of the top-selling branded clothes.

Final Words

These have been 30 of the coolest landing page template s that we recommend you consider using for creating a stunning presentation of your business on the web. Feel free to try how each of them looks and feels by checking out their live demos.

If you think that there are other cool landing page templates that are worthy of being mentioned in this list, feel free to share your thoughts below this post. Your feedback is highly appreciated!

Note: This is an update of a piece originally published in late 2014 by Will Hoekenga. The landing page trends we predicted in that post aren’t brand new trends anymore-in most cases, they’re the new status quo. To see our list of 15 modern landing page must-haves and make sure your own landing pages are up to date,

It’s important to be able to create landing pages quickly for a lot of reasons.

It’s important because you want to be able to execute your ideas as soon as they’re thought through. You want to be able to make the most of time-sensitive promotions and put out a page whenever a new opportunity comes up. And it’s been well established that the more landing pages you create, the faster your business is likely to grow.

It’s also important for a simpler reason: things move pretty fast in online marketing. And I can guarantee you that most landing pages from even five years ago-even pages that were effective when they were built-are going to stick out like a sore thumb today. Or, at the very least, fail to consistently produce results.

Customers’ habits have evolved, and so has our understanding of what motivates them and what can be done to increase conversion rates. Unlike fashion trends or even general web design trends, landing page trends don’t seem to come and go and cycle back. Once something becomes outdated, it tends to stay that way.

On the other hand, once something’s been proven to work, it becomes so widely adopted (at least among the most tuned-in marketers) that it hardly counts as a landing page trend anymore. It’s just a best practice.

About a year and a half ago, we published a post identifying 15 trends that were emerging at the time. Just about every one of them has become a best practice by this point-in fact, we’ve incorporated them into a new guide, called “15 Must-Haves for Modern Landing Pages.” If it’s been a while since you thought critically about your landing pages, or if you’d just like to make sure they’re positioned to stand up to your best competitors’ pages, download your free copy here:

It doesn’t just tell you something about what the page offers-it evokes the state of mind (cozy yet adventurous) the company desires to stir in its subscribers.

Whenever inspiration is a critical part of your marketing strategy, it’s worth thinking beyond the obvious imagery and thinking about how a happy customer or subscriber should feel . Your background image could help transport them there more quickly.

Trend #5: Ultra-Compact PPC Landing Pages

Google “how to build a store online,” and you’re likely to see a PPC ad bringing you to this sharp landing page from (which is also a good example of Trend #1 above):

In fact, if you spend much time clicking through PPC ads from top companies, you might notice that on the whole they seem to be growing leaner, condensing themselves into powerful one- or two-screen marketing engines. There’s no possible way you could miss what this page is about, and there’s nothing to do here but opt in.

One image. One call to action. Heck, there are only two pieces of copy that even qualify as a complete sentence-forget about dense paragraphs.

Why are pages like this popping up in paid search? I think it has to do with the deeper understanding of visitors you can gain by targeting certain kinds of search queries.

If I’m searching “how to build a store online,” I don’t need to be told why building an online store is good. I’m probably not just trying to satisfy my curiosity. (My hobbies aren’t quite that weird.) I’m searching that phrase because I’m ready to take action and build an online store, and a page that helps me take that action easily is likely to earn my business.

Even Shopify’s branding is subtle here, consisting of color use, a logo, and a sandwich of social proof: a mention of their 300,000-strong customer base on top and a press section at the bottom. And speaking of social proof …

Trend #6: Free-Range Testimonials

I used to see them all the time: pages in a company’s navigation bar with titles like “Our Clients,” “Meet Our Happy Customers,” or just “Testimonials.”

I think marketers began to realize that few people were clicking on pages like this, because eventually those faded, in place of testimonials sections embedded in larger pages.

Those can definitely add value, but there’s a further evolution here: sprinkling testimonials throughout your landing page to support or amplify certain points you want to drive home.

First, the page shows off a snapshot of the kind of screen a restaurant professional might see on the job. Then, below, it isolates different elements of that interface to point out special features-saying much more than words alone or stock restaurant images could do.

Trend #11: Step-by-Step Structures

It seems like landing page creators are getting smarter and smarter at presenting complex information simply. The tactic above is one method. Another is simply laying out how your product works in a series of numbered steps.

Mixergy introduced this layout to their welcome landing page after working with Bryan, and it seems to have proven successful-they’ve stuck with it since then:

By placing your navigation links here, you serve return visitor (or customers) who need them while ensuring nobody else gets distracted before they reach the end of the page.

What Landing Page Trends Are You Noticing?

Some of these strategies and techniques are extra twists on long-acknowledged principles of marketing; others are a little more surprising. If you’re trying to use landing pages to accomplish similar goals to the examples above, it’s worth testing these trends for yourself.

To help make sure your landing pages are solid as can be before you try something new, don’t forget to download our PDF guide, “15 Must-Haves for Modern Landing Pages.”

Free Download: 15 Must-Haves for Modern Landing Pages

If you have , you don’t need to download this template – it’s already available to you inside your LeadPages account. Just and you’ll see how super easy it is to customize this page in seconds with no technical knowledge or skills, make it mobile responsive, integrate it with your email service provider or CRM, run A/B split tests, and publish it to Facebook, WordPress, or your own server.

What trends are you seeing in landing pages right now? Are there any you would add to this list? Leave a comment below.

What is a landing page?

Wikipedia says that it is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement.

A web designer will add that it should be visually attractive.

A marketing manager will show you a 20 minute long PowerPoint presentation about conversion rates , customer psychology and ROI .

Each of them is right, because a good landing page is a harmonious combination of all these factors. It should be visually appealing, SEO-optimized, and laid out with conversion in mind.

We have collected for you 30 of the most effective landing page templates for all possible website topics. Check them out to boost your profits if you are a website owner, or to get inspired if you are a web designer.

This template is a clean landing page for online courses. Its basic layout is well optimized on its own, but the template also includes a drag-and-drop page builder, which allows you to create your own custom pages in a flash.

2. Clearance

Clearance is a bright landing page for hardware manufacturers and eCommerce stores selling mobile phones, computers, and other kinds of electronics. It is equipped with an intuitive page builder too. Bright call-to-action buttons sharply contrast with the background, ensuring high conversion rates.

3. Event

Another responsive landing page with a builder. This one will work well for any event websites, but predominant blue and purple colors make it particularly suitable for everything associated with music and night clubs.

4. Personal Loans

This landing page is a great addition to any personal or business website with a financial slant. Coded with the latest versions of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, it will harmoniously fit into the structure of your site.

5. Quarter

Check out this professional landing page template for real estate agencies. It features stylish fonts, lightweight transparent counters, responsive galleries, and customized feature blocks to give you a hand at selling real property with ease.

Predesigned landing pages

6. Your App

This landing page has been created to give you a flexible tool able to showcase any mobile application. It features a color picker with 5 ready-to-go color schemes, which can be switched in a matter of seconds.

7. Handyman

Although a landing page doesn’t have to serve other purposes than making your visitors perform a certain action, this one boasts a number of additional features: live chat, gallery, Google Map, and more. Its flat design is easily customizable, so it will be a breeze for you to incorporate it into your website.

8. Business

This template is a minimalist landing page with a convenient vertical slider menu. It call-to-action elements are situated in the hero area in order to increase its conversion rates. This template supports video integration, newsletter subscription forms, and responsive galleries.

9. PC Computer Repair

PC computer repair is a modern landing page based on large page-sized images. It includes creative fonts, interactive Google maps, and editable achievement counters. Stylish hover effects will make a positive impression on your visitors.

10. Cars

This responsive landing page stands out because of its impressive parallax scrolling and slide-in effects. Its image blocks based on diagonal lines look extraordinary, helping you to impress your potential customers. With this theme it is extremely easy to make your brand recognizable and memorable.

11. Business Landing Page

This ultra stylish one-page template is everything you need to convert your visitors into customers or subscribers. Its layout is split into two parts: the left part includes your logo, a countdown timer, social media buttons and copyrights; the right one comprises a text ’About us’ block, and a contact form. To change the template’s appearance completely just replace the two background images.

12. Domain

Domain is a flat landing page for companies providing digital services: hosting providers, domain registrars, SAAS software developers, etc. It is minimalist in shapes, yet is rich in conversion boosters, giving you the opportunity to create a custom design on its basis.

13. Inspire

Inspire is a good choice for online art galleries, magazines, and creative agencies. Its layout is almost devoid of white space, offering you image-rich backgrounds and expressive page-wide sliders instead. The template’s basic functionality provides various input forms, maps, and social options.

14. Goldfish

If you own a café, a restaurant, or a food delivery service, you will love this colorful responsive landing page. Designed using handwritten fonts and unusual CSS-powered shapes, it looks delicious and catchy. The lazy load effect will coherently load layout elements, leading your visitors to a desired action.

15. Dealer

This visually perfect landing page template is intended for websites dealing with in construction, machinery, agriculture, and such. Its layout is based on large images with parallax effect, strong slab serif fonts, and detailed flat icons.

16. Hotel

Hotel is a robust landing page template with premade booking forms, luxurious color scheme, and compelling call-to-actions. It has a static menu, which includes a logo with a back-to-top function, and a minimalist navigation bar.

17. Print Shop

This impressive landing page with image-driven design is a perfect option for selling modern devices. With a bright call-to-action in each of its layout segments you are sure to squeeze the most out of your presentation. The template heavily utilizes parallax scrolling effect, making the user experience smooth and fluid.

18. Cooking Recipes

Designed for food-related online projects, this responsive landing page combines a mouthwatering look with an unmatched converting ability. It is created for magazines and blogs, where user engagement is more important than actual sales.

19. Corpexa

Corpexa is a general-purpose landing page for all kinds of corporate websites. It is equipped with lazy load effect spiced up with slide-in animations, mesmerizing call-to-action elements, bright, highly visible achievement counters, and large responsive images. It is a robust template, which is able to provide your project with a steady flow of clients.

20. Yoga

Being very clean and minimalist, this yoga-themed landing page will easily fit any medical website. It supports integrated videos, so you will be able to present your services with the help of the most effective attention grabber without any knowledge in coding.

21. Pivot. Building Company

This straightforward template has been designed with construction and architecture companies in mind. Built with strict geometric shapes, it embodies confidence and reliability. Use this landing page to present your latest project, or to tell more about your company and its services.

22. Window Construction

This breathtaking landing page is designed in an infographic-like style to let you arrange your content in a user-friendly way. It boasts clean design with creative content blocks, unobtrusive animations, and a whole array of tools to provide you with sky-high conversion rates.

23. Brewery

This landing page has been designed to serve the needs of local breweries, and large companies, who need to spread the word about their special offers more effectively. With a dark textured background, this template has a really classy look.

24. Pasttio

This responsive landing page with large responsive images is a tasty way of promoting your services. It is not only beautiful, but also well optimized for search engines. The template is enhanced with a live chat module, so you will feel at ease providing high-quality support to your customers.

25. Special Force

Use this landing page to promote special offers of your gun club, ammunition store, or to gain new email subscribers of your military blog. Its effective design will not leave your visitors indifferent.

26. Pronto Consultants

Pronto Consultants is a robust one-page template with a cheerful flat design. It features stylish CSS-powered animations, page-wide images with parallax scrolling effect, customizable pricing tables and other conversion-oriented design elements.

27. Oceanx

Oceanx will make a great landing page because of its focus on large high-definition images and its content-first layout. The center-aligned contact form with a call-to-action button will attract most of your visitors, whereas the content blocks below will tell about your company to the rest of them.

28. Guard

Guard is a simple landing page template with flat design and boxed layout. The contrast between the soft pastel colors of its background and the bright call-to-action buttons is the secret ingredient of this template, which works towards high conversion rates.

29. Business Consultant

Business Consultant is a minimalist landing page solution for financial websites. With integrated Google maps, various dynamic input forms, and premade pricing tables; it is one of the most advanced multipurpose templates of its kind. This template supports integrated videos out of the box, so you can enrich your landing page with media content in no time.

30. IQ Business

This professional corporate landing page comes with a color picker, which allows you to choose from 5 color schemes. It is fully responsive, compatible with all modern browsers, and built with the latest design trends in mind.

This was an overview of the most notable landing pages to opt for in 2016. Have we missed your website’s unique topic? Let us know – we will definitely find a template that is suitable for you.

Also do not ignore the source PSD files coming with each template: they will help you with further customization of your landing page. And don’t forget: a good landing page is the one, which promotes a good product.

Еще один отличный пример геймификации - сайт банка Тинькофф.

Здесь можно определять вклады, рассчитывать процентные ставки и, передвигая ползунки, забавляться, сколько душе угодно.

Так что калькулятор, всевозможные шкалы взаимодействия и интерактивные графики работают Вам на руку.

4. Клиент хочет видеть больше, чем читать

Хороший тренер всегда чередует кардиотренировки с силовыми. Это касается и процесса чтения. Важно подавать текст частями: грамотно чередуйте его с изображениями и видеоблоками. Не давайте посетителю утомиться, в привлечении клиентов важно удерживать внимание.

Часто мы сталкиваемся с тем, что клиенты хотят поместить на landing page все, что только возможно: кейсы, бенефитс, ревью. Не надо так. Это только отпугнет потенциального лида.

Составьте вместо этого последовательную структуру блоков, избегайте длинных предложений и чередуйте текстовые и визуальные элементы.

Еще 3 факта, которые стоит учесть


Хорошо, если , но бывает и по-другому. Часто на сайт попадают «заблудшие души», которые видят здесь не то, о чем говорилось в таргетированной рекламе. Так происходит, если Вы заранее не подумали о соответствии текста в объявлении и на сайте.

Есть вероятность, что это было сделано намеренно, но в большинстве случаев такие действия ни к чему не приведут. Нецелевой трафик быстро помашет ручкой и уйдет в закат.

Представьте, что студент-старшекурсник не сдал экзамен, его перевели на контракт, денег нет. И тут он видит Ваше объявление: «Измени свою жизнь к лучшему!» «Почему бы и нет, хуже уже не будет!» - думает он. Как же он удивится, когда, перейдя на страницу, увидит, что изменить жизнь значит записаться на кератиновое выпрямление волос. Как-то неудобно даже…

Так что в первую очередь думайте о целевом трафике.


И снова о психологии. Умение управлять бессознательным - ключ к привлечению клиентов. Нет, не нужно завлекать потенциального лида незаконными методами типа гипноза. Просто учитывайте потребности человеческой натуры при создании landing page.

У нас есть несколько первичных желаний: самосохранение, признание, секс, благосостояние.

Если Вы создаете сайт знакомств, то не помешает привлечь внимание целевой аудитории с помощью фото модели Victoria’s Secret. Вот пример такого landing page.

Здесь важно не утрировать и не перегибать палку. Не делайте акцент исключительно на «хлебе и зрелищах», выдерживайте пропорцию в ингредиентах, чтобы получилось вкусно и интересно.

Недооценка аудитории

Очень простое правило, которому следуют далеко не все. Сейчас у каждого есть Интернет, а следовательно - возможность просматривать работы других специалистов. С каждым днем люди все лучше понимают, где хорошо, а где плохо.

Никогда не подсовывайте клиенту среднюю работу, потому что «не было времени», «дизайнер заболел», «у копирайтера пропала кошка». Помните, что результат будут рассматривать под увеличительным стеклом, сравнивать с другими и только потом делать выводы.

9 трендов современного лендинга

Как сделать лендинг пейдж продающим? Следуйте простым правилам.

Тренд 1. Мультилендинг и геотаргетинг

Такой вид страницы содержит информацию, которая адаптируется в зависимости от запросов или местоположения посетителя (). К примеру, мы вбиваем в поисковую строку «купить iphone Киев», переходим на лендинг, и заголовок содержит те же слова.

Это касается и геотаргетинга. Как-то мы спроектировали посадочную страницу для курсов польского языка в Кракове. У этого сайта меняется подложка в зависимости от страны проживания посетителя.

Так что если Ваш бизнес не имеет границ - этому правилу стоит следовать.

Тренд 2. SMS-информирование

«Здравствуйте! Вы оставили заявку на нашем сайте. Наш оператор скоро Вам перезвонит!» Приблизительно такое сообщение клиент получает после заполнения формы на лендинге. Так Вы фактически поздравляете посетителя с тем, что он стал лидом. Советуем отправлять уведомления и на свой телефон, чтобы было легче держать руку на пульсе и отслеживать конверсию.

Тренд 3. CRM-система для работы с лидами

Договор, сделка с клиентом, сохранение данных о заказчике - действия, требующие автоматизации, особенно для рынка B2B, где каждое взаимодействие с лидом нужно документируется.

Существует масса программ, которые производят учет действий на сайте. По большому счету это вопрос личных предпочтений.

Тренд 4. Полезные письма для клиентов

Клиент заполняет заявку, становится лидом, уходит с сайта, становится частью подписной базы и получает письма из Вашей рассылки. Помните, не нужно «грузить» людей лишними данными и быть слишком навязчивыми. Письма могут содержать полезный контент или же знакомить с акционными предложениями. «Преследовать» лида надо с умом.

Тренд 5. Умный ремаркетинг

Наверное, все уже сталкивались с преследующей онлайн-рекламой. Вот Вы зашли на сайт, возможно, даже просмотрели его, закрыли вкладку и забыли об этой странице. А о Вас не забыли. Теперь, куда бы Вы ни зашли - Facebook, YouTube - баннер лендинга появляется следом. Звучит как синопсис триллера, но на практике такие объявления «подогревают» клиента.

Ремаркетинг нужно проводить с умом. Предложите клиенту выгоду. Он ждет коммерчески ценного предложения. Тогда вместо раздражения Вы вызовите интерес.

Не стоит выдумывать сложные акции. Мы в таком случае используем правило ВДГ - «Всегда Думай Головой». Предложение в первую очередь должно быть логичным.

Тренд 6. Паттерны Z и F

Если просто - это наглядная модель просмотра страницы пользователем. Лендинги читают слева направо и наоборот. Поэтому для такого вида сайтов подходит паттерн Z. От этой модели нужно отталкиваться на этапе и в дальнейшей работе.

Паттерн F подходит для интернет-магазинов. Такие сайты мы читаем строго слева направо. Да, поначалу кажется, что пользователь просматривает все сайты одинаково, но это не так. Все зависит от расположения элементов страницы.

Тренд 7. Интерактив

В предыдущей части Вы уже прочли о геймификации. Теперь приведем пример. Недавно мы создали лендинг для компании, которая производит системы кондиционирования. Все было выполнено на уровне, но чего-то не хватало.

Мы поняли, что этим «чем-то» был интерактив. Тогда было решено добавить блок, где можно самостоятельно рассчитать уровень загрязнения воздуха: заполнить данные о размерах помещения, удаленности жилища от дороги и т. д

Такое взаимодействие с клиентом позволяет добиться лояльности и увеличивает количество лидов.

Тренд 8. Синергия элементов

Звучит как глава учебника по алхимии, но на самом деле «алхимичить» Вам не придется. Термин «синергия» обозначает взаимодействие всех элементов (в нашем случае речь идет о фирменном стиле). Доверие к компании возрастает, если у нее есть логотип. Еще лучше, если Вы обзаведетесь всеми элементами фирменного стиля компании:

  • Слоган;
  • логотип/товарный знак;
  • шрифт;
  • цвет.

Допустим, Вы представлены на пяти площадках: у Вас есть landing page, профиль «ВКонтакте», группа в Facebook, канал на YouTube и аккаунт LinkedIn.Брендируйте все эти площадки - и посетитель узнает Вашу компанию с первых секунд.

Используйте дизайн так, чтобы было сразу понятно, о чем эта страница. Проведите эксперимент. Покажите сайт бабушке или ребенку. Если они за 5 секунд поймут, что Вы продаете, то поздравляем, все элементы на месте.

Тренд 9. Персонификация компании

Когда руководитель компании не скрывает лицо, это вызывает доверие. Еще лучше, если он настолько отзывчив, что лично идет на контакт с клиентом. В Uni Consulting такую функцию выполняет наш CEO, Станислав Цыс. и в соцсетях можно найти его обучающие видео, записи лекций и т. д.

Кстати, вот вебинар, где Станислав как раз говорит о трендовых решениях для landing page:

Теперь, когда Вы знаете все о продающем лендинге 2016, задайте себе вопрос: «Каким из этих критериев соответствует мой сайт?» Сколько баллов Вы бы поставили своей странице? Давайте мы поможем определить это с помощью нескольких вопросов.

Тренды продающего лендинга в 2016 году:

  1. Пользуетесь ли Вы современными инструментами (мультилендинг и геотаргетинг)?
  2. Пробовали ли Вы отправлять клиентам смс-уведомления?
  3. Используете ли Вы CRM-систему для работы с лидами?
  4. Есть ли у Вас рассылка полезной информации для клиентов?
  5. Пользуетесь ли Вы ремаркетингом?
  6. По какому паттерну спроектирован Ваш сайт: Z и F?
  7. Есть ли на Вашей странице интерактивные блоки?
  8. Используете ли Вы элементы фирменного стиля в оформлении своих площадок?

Пытаетесь ли Вы стать ближе к потребителю с помощью персонификации компании?

(голосов 3 , средний: 4,67 из 5)

Первое впечатление очень важно! Поэтому всегда необходимо быть в курсе трендов и направлений в развитии веб-дизайна лендингов.

Тренд размещения полноэкранного видео и изображений давно используется в разных сферах бизнеса. Видео или крупное изображение лучше привлекает внимание посетителя, а главное, быстрее позволяет донести главную идею сайта.

Если на первом экране вашего лендинга присутствует видео, то посетитель вряд ли сразу нажмет кнопку «назад» в своем браузере. В качестве примера можно привести сайт Walabot

3D параллакс

Параллакс – один из главных трендов веб-дизайна в настоящий момент. Он дает ощущение объема, когда посетитель просматривает вашу страницу. Такой гигант, как Sony, использовал этот эффект, чтобы удивлять посетителей, пока рассказывал о своем бренде.

Навигация всегда должна стремиться быть наиболее удобной для посетителя. Но при этом нет ничего плохого в том, чтобы пробовать разные способы отображения скроллинга.

Отсутствие навигационного меню

Меню, конечно, делает навигацию более простой и понятной для посетителей сайта. Им становится проще найти то, что они ищут. Но удаление навигационного меню или изменение его вида заставят ваших гостей проводить больше времени на вашем ресурсе.

Это поможет им не отвлекаться на разные навигационные иконки, при этом концентрируясь на теме сайта.

Предельное упрощение дизайна

Этот тренд появился, чтобы остаться надолго. Простота в использовании – ключ к успеху, правильно?

Хотя существует много других способов привлечение внимания, о которых было сказано выше, простота дизайна позволит максимально сконцентрировать внимание ваших гостей.

Разделенный экран

Часто сайт имеет разные целевые аудитории и лучший способ донести идею – разделить экран. Хороший пример – лендинг Muck’s Rack’s, который разделил экран для маркетологов и блоггеров.

Доказательства надежности компании

Перед тем как принять решение обычно человек хочет выяснить опыт взаимодействия с компанией других людей или организаций.

Единственный минус этого заключается в том, что меньшее чего хотела бы компания, на сайте которой находится человек, это чтобы он перешел по ссылке на другой сайт.


Все больше дизайнеров используют этот вид меню, чтобы включить как можно больше информации на засоряя лендинг.

2024 english-speak.ru. Изучение английского языка.