Веселые поздравления с рождеством на английском. Поздравления с Рождеством на английском – сердечные и забавные пожелания.

Здесь вы можете отыскать лучшие рождественские приветствия на английском языке и послать их друзьям. Мы специально к Рождеству собрали для вас небольшую коллекцию поздравлений с Рождеством на английском, что-то из которой вы легко можете поставить как на своей страничке Вконтакте и таким образом поздравить своих лучших друзей с Рождеством.

Поздравления с Рождеством на английском языке

I am dreaming of white Christmas ,
With every christmas card i write,
May your days be merry and bright,
And May all your christmases be white.
Marry Christmas.

Lets welcome the year which is fresh
Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new,
Lets cherish each moment it beholds,
Lets celebrate this blissful New year.
Merry X-mas

A lovely thing about Christmas
Is that it’s compulsory,
Like a thunderstorm,
And we all go through it together.

May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire
To gladden your hearts and fill every desire.

Christmas is not a time nor a season,
But a state of mind.
To cherish peace and goodwill,
To be plenteous in mercy,
Is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

May this Christmas end the present year
On a cheerful note and make way
For a fresh and bright new year.
Here’s wishing you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

From home to home and heart to heart,
From one place to another,
The warmth and joy of Christmas,
Brings us closer to each other.

Love came down at Christmas;
Love all lovely, love divine;
Love was born at Christmas,
Stars and angels gave the sign.

May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you all through the Year.
Wishing you a season of blessings from heaven above.
Happy Christmas.

Happy ChristmasTwo things upon this changing earth
can neither change nor end;
the splendor of Christ"s humble birth,
the love of friend for friend.

Joy resounds in the hearts of those
who believe in the miracle of Christmas!
Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love
of the season! Season"s Greetings!

Christmas is a state of mind when you cherish peace and goodwill.
The real spirit of Christmas is to have mercy, love and faith
Marry christmas.

Heap on the wood!-
the wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will,
We"ll keep our Christmas merry still.

Two things upon this changing earth can neither change nor end; the splendor of Christ"s humble birth, the love of friend for friend. Merry Xmas!

May His love fill your heart with Joy and Peace this Christmas and each day of the year to come

I wish you the gift of Faith, the Blessing of Hope and the Peace of his Love at Christmas and always

Have a Merry Xmas! I hope you get lots of snow! Spend time with your loved ones. Bask in the Xmas glow

A Peaceful Christmas and
A happy and prosperous
New Year to you. May we all
be seven times better off at this
time next year!

May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love.
Christmas is the time of giving and sharing.
It is the time of loving and forgiving.
Merry Christmas to Everyone!

Christmas waves a
magic wand over this world,
and behold,
everything is softer and more beautiful.
Merry X-Mas

Bells are ringing the wishes of christmas day,
the flying snowflakes send my most sincere blessings to you
Merry Christmas.

Joy was on Christ,
Love was on mas,
so let all of this found u anywhere u are this lovely season.
merry x mas and happy new year

It is d month of Cakes n Candles,
Snow n Songs,
Carols n Joys,
Laughter n Love,
Wishing you a Blessed Month of Christmas!!

May all the sweet magic
Of Christmas conspire
To gladden your hearts
And fill every desire.
Merry Christmas

My Christmas wish for you, my friend Is not a simple one For I wish you hope and joy and peace Days filled with warmth and sun

Будучи за границей или на занятиях по английскому или поздравляя своих англоязычных друзей и коллег, вам пригодятся поздравления с Рождеством на английском. Давайте посмотрим, какие пожелания можно держать «наготове».

Совет: выбирая поздравления, остановитесь именно на таких, которые будут ближе всего человеку. К примеру, если он увлечён своей карьерой, то пусть большая часть ваших пожеланий будет сконцентрирована именно на этой сфере.

Поздравления для родных и друзей

Let this time of year bring you fun and happiness!

May the peace and love fill your family and live in it every day!

Let the warmth and love surrounding Christmas will be with you the whole year.

My dear sister, though the distance separates us, I want you to know that you are deep in my heart this Christmas.

Marry Christmas to my wonderful mom. I hope Santa brings you everything you have wished for.

I wish you to feel the spirit of Christmas in your heart and let it bring you great joy!

This Christmas makes me think about all kindness you have shown me through the whole year! I wish you to meet only kind and generous people!

My dear daughter, I wish you to achieve success at your work! I wish all your dreams come true!

Wishes for Christmas – поздравления на Рождество

Пусть этот год принесёт тебе радость и счастье!

Пусть мир и любовь заполнят твою семью и будут жить в ней каждый день.

Пусть тепло и любовь, окружающие Рождество, будут с тобой весь год.

Моя дорогая сестра, хоть нас разделяет расстояние, я хочу, чтобы ты знала, что ты глубоко в моём сердце в это Рождество.

Счастливого Рождества моей замечательной маме. Я надеюсь, что Санта принесёт тебе всё, о чём ты пожелала.

Я желаю тебе почувствовать дух Рождества в своём сердце, и пусть он принесёт тебе огромную радость!

Это Рождество подтолкнуло меня задуматься о доброте, которую ты проявлял ко мне в течение всего года! Я тебе желаю встречать только добрых и щедрых людей!

Моя дорогая дочь, я желаю тебе достичь успеха на работе! Я желаю, чтобы сбылись все твои мечты!

Обратите внимание: часто в пожеланиях используются слова may, let, которые на русский буду переводиться как «пусть».

Лексика из пожеланий

Давайте посмотрим, какие слова нам пригодятся для составления хороших пожеланий.

  • Fun – радость.
  • Happiness – счастье.
  • Peace – мир.
  • To fill – наполнять.
  • Dear – дорогой.
  • Distance – расстояние.
  • To separate – разделять.
  • Deep – глубоко.
  • Heart – сердце.
  • Wonderful – замечательный.
  • To wish –желать.
  • To meet – встречать.
  • Generous – щедрый.
  • To achieve – достигать.
  • Success – успех.
  • To come true – воплощаться в жизнь.

Поздравления для коллег

Не забывайте, что рождественские поздравления на английском языке даже для коллег могут быть не только душевными, но и смешными, шутливыми. Давайте посмотрим пример следующих пожеланий, используя которые можно поздравить своих сотрудников.

Wishes for co-workers – пожелания для коллег

Thank you for everything you do to make our office fun and friendly place to work in all year round.

I wish you to forgive your enemies, to be tolerant to your opponents, to show a good example to everyone as you did this whole year!

Marry Christmas to my favorite co-worker! I hope Santa will bring you the presents even though you were not well behaved this year.

I wish you my dear colleague to have patience for all customers, a smile for our boss and a good piece of advice for me!

Let this Christmas to be nice and quite for you, I wish you to have time to relax and be with your family!

Job responsibilities are much easier if we can feel the help of our colleagues.

The years of work have taught me that to accomplish our goals we have to be together! Let positive energy surround us through the whole year!

Спасибо за всё, что ты делаешь, чтобы наш офис был весёлым и дружелюбным местом работы весь год.

Я желаю тебе простить своих врагов, относиться с терпением к своим конкурентам, показывать хороший пример всем, как ты и делал целый год!

Счастливого Рождества, мой дорогой сотрудник! Я надеюсь, что Санта Клаус принесёт тебе подарки, даже если ты не вёл себя хорошо в этом году.

Я желаю тебе, мой дорогой коллега, иметь терпение для всех клиентов, улыбку для нашего босса и хороший совет для меня!

Пусть это Рождество будет для тебя приятным и тихим, я желаю, чтобы у тебя было время расслабиться и побыть со своей семьёй!

Служебные обязанности становятся намного легче, когда мы чувствуем помощь коллег.

Годы работы научили меня – чтобы достичь наших целей мы должны держаться вместе! Пусть позитивная энергия окружает нас весь год!

Новые слова

  • Friendly – дружелюбный.
  • All year round – круглый год.
  • To forgive – прощать.
  • Enemy – враг.
  • Tolerant – терпеливый.
  • Opponent – конкурент.
  • Example – пример.
  • Favorite – любимый.
  • Co-worker – сотрудник, коллега.
  • To behave – вести себя.
  • Present – подарок.
  • Colleague – коллега.
  • Patience – терпение.
  • Customer – клиент.
  • Apiece of advice – совет.
  • Quite – тихий.
  • Responsibilities – обязанности.
  • Accomplish – достигать.
  • Goal – цель.

Совет: не «выкидывайте» из своего поздравления вещи, которые люди желают часто (например, здоровья, успехов), опасаясь, что ваше пожелание будет выглядеть тривиально и скучно. Помните, всё зависит от того, как вы желаете, поздравляйте от всей души и человек это поймёт.

Английские поздравления с Новым годом могут быть практически такими же, на английском принято говорить Happy New Year! Чаще всего люди желают друг другу:

  • To be healthy – быть здоровым.
  • To have a lot of money – иметь много денег.
  • To find a true love – найти настоящую любовь.
  • To smile – улыбаться.
  • To love and be loved – любить и быть любимым.
  • To achieve success – достичь успеха.
  • To be successful – быть успешным.
  • To find a good job – найти хорошую работу.
  • To spend time in a family circle – проводить время в кругу семьи.
  • To be happy – быть счастливым.
  • To have true friends – иметь настоящих друзей.

Самой распространённой американской традицией является оставлять в ночь Рождества для Санты молоко и печенье, чтобы он смог перекусить – ведь у него ещё столько дел в рождественскую ночь.

сайт and Santa presents a selection of Christmas music and interesting Christmas stories .

Listen to your favorite Christmas music, read about Christmas traditions and enjoin the holidays.

Click on a link below to know about Christmas traditions.

Christmas Greeting (Поздравления с Рождеством на английском языке)

    May the Love, Peace, and Joy of Christmas be yours always.
    Пусть любовь, мир, и радость Рождества будут с Вами всегда

    Wishing you all the timeless treasures of Christmas, the warmth of home, the love of family and the company of good friends. Have a blessed Christmas!

    May your Christmas be warm with sharing, bright with caring and filled with love. Happy Holidays!

    May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire to gladden your heart and fill every desire.

    If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window, grabs you and puts you in a sack don"t worry I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas. Happy Christmas (юмор-поздравление для влюбленных) .

    May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year.
    ere"s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    May You feel God"s presence in the candles, that softly spread their glow at Christmas and may you experience the wonder of His abiding love, as He guides you, through each day of the coming year. May God"s Blessings be with you. At Christmas and New Year! (торжественное поздравление) .

    Faith makes all things possible,
    Hope makes all things work,
    Love makes all things beautiful,
    May you have all the three for this Christmas.
    Merry Christmas!

    A silent night, a star above, a blessed gift of hope and love. A blessed Christmas to you! (торжественное поздравление) .

    Light up with smiles. Pace up your walk May Christmas come and become an everyday happening Have a fantastic Christmas.

    May the spirit of Christmas bless your home always.
    May all those you hold dear, always be near and warm your heart
    And may your fides always be bright with cheer
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. Merry Christmas.

    May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill...
    May the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas.
    As Christmas carols fill the air with joy and merriment, as the chime of church bell echoes all around, and prayers reach out to god, I wish you a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    May the candles burn bright, casting upon you their holy light, bringing a glow to your heart, ‘coz you, dear friend, are a class apart.
    Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

    As you relish the goodies, decorate every nook and corner of your home and enjoy the get-togethers...
    May the joy and festivities continue to radiate in your lives, long after Christmas is gone. Merry Christmas!
    Happy New Year!

    Christmas is... about church bells, Christmas trees, carols, twinkling lights and joy filled days, too.
    Christmas is... about hoping and wishing for life"s very best for you. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Christmas songs (Рождественские песни на английском)

History of the Christmas Tree

The tradition of having an evergreen tree become a symbol of Christmas goes back past recorded written history.

The Druids in ancient England & Gual and the Romans in Europe both used evergreen branches to decorate their homes and public buildings to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Over the years, these traditions were adopted by Christians, who incorporated them as part of their Christmas holiday celebration.

Trees used specifically to celebrate Christmas are mentioned in the early 1600"s in Germany and surrounding countries. The families would set up these trees in a prominent location of their home and decorate them with colored paper, small toys, food, and sometimes candles. As these people moved or immigrated to other countries, they brought this tradition with them.

Through the years many different things were used to decorate Christmas trees. As the world moved into the 1900"s, many trees were decorated with strings of popcorn, homemade cards and pictures, cotton to look like snow, candy in all shapes and sizes, and occasionally, fancy store made glass balls and hand blown glass figurines. Candles were sometimes used, but often caused devastating fires, and many different types of candle holders were devised to try to prevent tree fires. Electric tree lights were first used just 3 years after Thomas Edison has his first mass public demonstration of electric lights back in 1879. The early Christmas tree lights were handmade and quite expensive.

Today, Christmas tree ornaments can be found in nearly every size, color, and shape imaginable, and they are used to decorate the millions of Christmas trees used throughout the world.

Christmas Tree and Ornaments (Рождественская Елка)

Some of the first decorations that people put in their homes during the Christmas season were the branches of Holly trees and the Mistletoe that they found on the trees during this winter season.

The changing of the seasons ruled the lives of most people in the early days of Europe. During the cold winter months, most people stayed inside their homes, and to pass the time used their hands and tools to create things out of wood, straw, glass, metal, stone and other material s they could find. These creations, ranging from hand carved wooden figures to straw angels were used to decorate the home and, since most of the population were poor peasants with very few possessions, these items were displayed, treasured and handed down among the families.

One common set of figures that were carved were those of the Nativity. Once the basic Nativity was complete, carvings of animals, angels, and stars could be added until dozens of these figures could take up a significant part of their home!

It was a natural evolution to display these figures on the Christmas tree that many used to decorate their homes during the winter Christmas season. They were hung from branches, and new figures and creations were added each year.

As the celebration of Christmas spread and families were able to afford to buy things instead of having to make them, they began buying decorations for their homes and Christmas trees instead of making them. Lights were added to the tees and then to the houses, and even outdoor decorations began to be used in front yards, bushes, and trees.

Many people choose to use the image of family around the Christmas tree for their photo Cristmas cards. A very traditional and b

eautiful image to share with friends and family.

Christmas Carols and Caroling (Рождественские колядования)

Christmas carols and caroling in the old world was a mix of singing and dancing and was practiced for all festivals throughout the year. When Christmas was firmly established to be celebrated on December 25 th , many of the existing carols (or songs) were sung on that day and new ones written to celebrate Christmas.

St. Francis of Assisi was instrumental in making the Christmas celebration one for the people instead of just for the clergy. He created large nativity scenes outside of his church and translated many of the Christmas carols from Latin into languages spoken by the average person and encouraged them to sing these songs to express their joy during the Christmas season.

This practice of singing Christmas songs outside of the Church near the nativity scenes spread throughout Europe and it was a natural next step for these Christmas Carolers to start walking through the neighborhoods around the churches sharing their festive songs. Caroling started to decline in popularity as people were able to hear and play the same songs on the radio and eventually on their own record players, however, carolers can still be seen during the holiday season walking through neighborhoods and sharing the Christmas message much as they have done for the past 1000 years.

A Brief History of Santa Claus (Краткая история о Санта Клаусе)

Santa Claus has been called by several different names throughout the years. Traditions and legends of Santa Claus for the evolution of the modern-day Santa may have been based on the early Dutch legend of Sinterklaas, originating in the 1600"s.

Santa Claus really started to get famous when American author Washington Irving published stories about Santa Claus, referring to him as Saint Nicholas who arrived on Christmas Eve bringing presents for children.

Santa Claus changed and became more famous when writer Clement Clarke Moore wrote a poem in 1823 about a Christmas Eve visit from Saint Nicholas, better known as "The Night Before Christmas" (listed below). Millions of children now could have a consistent description of Santa Claus and his eight flying reindeer.

Christmas is a very sacred day.
Have an unforgettable holiday
Illuminated with all the lights
Of the world and life’s delights!

May Christmas spirit keep glowing
And all the happiness get going.
Be blessed with all the smiles,
Gathering good luck into huge piles!

Рождество - праздник очень святой.
Проведите незабываемый выходной,
Освещенный всего света огоньками,
Пусть все радости жизни будут с Вами!

Пусть дух Рождества всегда искрится,
И только счастье в дом Ваш стучится.
Благословляйте улыбками без причины,
Собирая удачу в большие вершины!


I wish you merry Christmas.
Have only smiles and any sadness.
May Christ bless your living start.
Have no regret and no discard.

Take any hardship for granted.
Christmas spirit will blow it.
I put happiness in your stocking.
Have a colorful life without talking!

С Рождеством (перевод)
С Рождеством тебя от души поздравляю.
Только много улыбок без печали желаю.
Христос пусть благословит твое начало.
А в жизни сожалений, неудач будет мало.

Препятствия принимай как должное.
Рождественский дух развеет всё сложное.
Положу я счастье в твой подарочный носок.
Без лишних слов, жизнь будет яркой, как цветок!


Celebrate the tradition of giving,
Pray to the Lord for thanksgiving.
I wish you the great joy of family.
Move towards the goal steadily.

Peace, love and laughter!
Don’t give up and go after.
Christmas hope and wonder,
Have a life without thunder!

(перевод в стихах)
Празднуй традицию, где много отдачи,
К Богу с благодарностью, не иначе.
Желаю счастья большого в семье,
И напористо шагать к своей мечте.

Мира, любви и море улыбок!
Не сдавайся даже после ошибок.
Рождественской надежды и удивления,
Жизни без грома и без смятения!

2024 english-speak.ru. Изучение английского языка.