Упражнения Present Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous. The Present Perfect Continuous. Упражнения

Различия между Present Perfect Continuous и Present Perfect с упражнениями .

(Не забывай - чаще всего Present Perfect Continuous означает причину, а Present Perfect - результат.)

Разберем ситуации :

1) Ann"s clothes are covered in paint. She has been painting the ceiling. - Анина одежда испачкана в краске . Она красила потолок. - Это Present Perfect Cont . Нас интересует действие. Нам не важно, закончено действие или нет. В данном случае действие еще не закончено.

The ceiling was white. Now it"s blue. She has painted the ceiling. - Э то Present Perfect. В этом случае главное то, что действие было завершено. Нас интересует результат, а не само действие.

2) Мы используем Present Perfect Cont ., чтобы сказать, как долго что-то продолжалось:

Ann has been writing letters all day.

How long have you been reading that book?

Jim has been playing tennis since 2 o"clock.

Мы используем Present Perfect , чтобы сказать, сколько мы уже сделали, например, сколько писем написали, или сколько раз мы делали что-то:

Ann has written ten letters today.

How many pages of that book have you read?

Jim has played tennis three times this week.


Некоторые глаголы не используются в продолженных формах. Например, глагол know . С ним нужно говорить have known , а не have been knowing .

Список (неполный) таких глаголов:

Want Need Prefer (предпочитать )

Like Love Hate

Belong (принадлежать )

See Hear

Know Realise Believe

Suppose Mean Understand Remember Forget Seem


В этом упражнении надо прочитать ситуации и написать два предложения, одно с Present Perfect и одно с Preset Perfect Continuous . Пример :

Tom is reading a book. He has started two hours ago and he is on page 53.

(he/read/for two hours) He has been reading for two hours.

(he/read/53 pages so far) He has read 53 pages so far. (so far - до сих пор, пока ещё, пока)

1. Linda is from Australia. Now she is traveling round Europe. She began her tour three months ago.

(she/travel/around Europe for three months)_______

(she/visit/six countries so far)___________________

2. Jimmy is a tennis champion. He began playing tennis when he was 11 years old. Now he has just won the national championship for the fourth time.

(he/play tennis/since he was 11)_____________

(he/win/ the national championship four times)__________

3. Bill and Andy make films. They start making films together when they left college.

(they/make/films since they left college)___________

(they/make/ten films since they left college)


В этом упражнении нужно поставить глагол в правильную форму. Пример :

I have lost (lost) my key. Can you help me look for it?

You look tired. Have you been working (you/work) hard?

1. Look! Somebody _______________(break) that window.

2. I _____________ (read) the book you gave me but I ___________ (not/finished) it yet.

3. "Sorry I"m late." "That"s all right. I __________(not/wait) long.

4. Hello! I ______________ (clean) the windows. So far I _________ (clean) five of them and there are two more to do.

5. There is a strange smell here ________ (you/cook) something?

6. My brother is an actor. He __________ (appear) in several films.

Ответы :


1. She has been traveling around Europe for three months. She has visited six countries so far.

2. He has been playing tennis since he was 11. He has won the national championship four times.

3. They have been making films since they left college. They have made ten films since they left college.


1. Look! Somebody has broken that window.

2. I have been reading the book you gave me but I haven’t finished it yet.

3. "Sorry I"m late." "That"s all right. I have not been waiting long.

4. Hello! I have been cleaning the windows. So far I have cleaned five of them and there are two more to do.

5. There is a strange smell here. Have you been cooking something?

6. My brother is an actor. He has appeared in several films.

Упражнения Present Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous

Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму : Present Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Maria _______________ (learn) English for two years.

2. Hello, Tom. I _______________ (look) for you all morning. Where have you been?

3. Why ___________________ (you/look) at me like that? Stop it!

4. We always go to Ireland for our holidays. We_________ (go) there for years.

5. I _____________ (think) about what you said and I"ve decided to take your advice.

6. "Is Ann on holiday this week?" "No, she _____________ (work).

7. Sarah is very tired. She _______________ (work) very hard recently.

Сотри неправильную часть предложения, из написанных курсивом:

1. Have you read/Have you been reading that newspaper yet? Can I have it?

2. How long have you been cleaning/have you cleaned that car ? Haven"t you finished / Have you been finishing it yet?

3. How long have you known/have you been knowing Rosa?

4. He is living/has been living in Manchester since 1990.

5. She has liked/has been liking you since she saw you at that party.

6. I"m sorry I"m late. How long have you been waiting / are you waiting ?

7. I"ve played / I"ve been playing tennis twice this week.

8. It "s been raining / is raining here all morning. It started at eight.

Поставьте в предложения for или since.

    Bob has been playing hockey … he was a small boy.

    She’s been driving that car … five years.

    We have been planning our vacation … last month.

    He has been talking on the phone … 8 o’clock.

    You have been telling the same anecdotes … many years.

    I have been feeling ill … a couple of days.

Опишите каждую ситуацию одним предложением, используя for или since и глаголы в Present Perfect Continuous.

Н - р : I started writing an article last month and I’m still writing it. (Я начал писать статью в прошлом месяце, и до сих пор пишу ее.) – I have been writing an article since last month. (Я пишу статью с прошлого месяца.)

    Tom started playing chess when he was 6 and he still plays it.

    Martha started looking for a job 4 months ago and she is still looking for it.

    Mother started cooking chicken in the morning and she is still cooking it.

    It started snowing 3 days ago and it’s still snowing.

    Kate went to bed last night and she is till sleeping.



1. Maria has been learning English for two years.

2. Hello, Tom. I have been looking for you all morning. Where have you been?

3. Why are you looking at me like that? Stop it!

4. We always go to Ireland for our holidays. We have been going there for years.

5. I have been thinking about what you said and I"ve decided to take your advice.

6. "Is Ann on holiday this week?" "No, she is working.

7. Sarah is very tired. She has been working very hard recently.


1. Have you read that newspaper yet? Can I have it?

2. How long have you been cleaning that car? Haven"t you finished it yet?

3. How long have you known Rosa?

4. He has been living in Manchester since 1990.

5. She has liked you since she saw you at that party.

6. I"m sorry I"m late. How long have you been waiting?

7. I"ve played tennis twice this week.

8. It"s been raining here all morning. It started at eight.

    since (Боб играет в хоккей с тех пор, как он был маленьким мальчиком.)

    for (Она водит ту машину в течение пяти лет.)

    since (Мы планируем наши каникулы с прошлого месяца.)

    since (Он разговаривает по телефону с 8 часов.)

    for (Ты рассказываешь одни и те же анекдоты много лет.)

    for (Я чувствую себя больным пару дней.)


    Tom has been playing chess since he was 6. (Том играет в шахматы с шести лет.)

    Martha has been looking for a job for 4 months. (Марта ищет работу в течение 4 месяцев.)

    Mother has been cooking chicken since the morning. (Мама готовит курицу с утра.)

    It has been snowing for 3 days. (Снег идет в течение трех дней.)

    Kate has been sleeping since last night. (Кэйт спит со вчерашнего вечера.)

Упражнение 1.

Write these verbs into 3 columns. Add -ing to the verbs. Запишите глаголы в три колонки. Прибавьте –ing.

Hop, bring, wear, teach, sit, leave, use, come, travel, put, try, shop, watch, clean, tidy, invite, say, continue, take, begin, get, make, plan, cut, eat, catch.

jump (+ ing) come (-e + ing) run (x2 + ing)


Упражнение 2.

Раскройте скобки, предварительно поставив глаголы в форму Present Perfect Continuous.

Rose: I’m sorry, Olga. I __________ (try on) these clothes for two hours. And I haven’t decided vet.

2. Greg: Molly! Call our waiter again!

Molly: I___________ (try) to call him.

Molly: I’m sorry, dear... but he’s again talking to that nice girl.

Greg: Yes, he ____________ (talk) to her since we came in.

Waiter: Yes, ma’am ... Do you want the bill?

Molly: The bill! We haven’t even got the menu yet!

Упражнение 3.

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Вы опять дрались?

2. Как давно у вас болит нога?

3. Я учу японский с августа.

4. Анна ищет работу шесть месяцев.

5. Они работают в Саратове с 1 января.

6. Какой глубокий снег! Сколько времени шел снег?

7. Весь день идет дождь.

9. Вы слишком долго смотрите телевизор.

10. Я жду Петра уже около часа.

11. Дети плавают уже полчаса.

12. Они работают в саду с 8 часов.

13. Наконец я нашел книгу, которую искал целый день.

Упражнение 4.

Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect Continuous.

1. All these days he _________ (talk) about his new plan.

3. You ___________ (watch) TV too long.

Упрaжнение 5.

Измените предложения согласно модели

Has he been talking about his plan long? (all these days)

Have children been swimming long? (for half an hour)

Has it been raining long? (for a week)

Have you been translating the article long? (for three hours)


We ___ to the theatre since last month.

haven’t been going

My friends and I ___ since 2 o’clock.

have been sunbathing

has been sunbathing

Sally ___ news since she left university.

has been reporting

Jane is abroad. She ___ three countries.

has already been visiting

have already visited

has already visited

Dancing lessons?

Has you ever taken

Have you ever taken

Has you ever been taking

I want to buy a new flat. I ___ money for ages.

have been saving

My uncle is a doctor. He ___ lots of vital operations.

Jack is cold. He ___ for too long.

has been swimming

have been swimming

Den ___ championships before.

hasn’t never won

has never been winning

We ___ in this café before.

haven’t been eating

I don’t want to go out. The cold wind ___ since morning.

have been blowing

has been blowing

It’s the first time Martin ___ ill.

has been falling

How long ___ this research?

have you been making

has you been making

Many people to our wedding ceremony?

Have you been inviting

Have you invited

Cathy ___ since 2 o’clock. She is exhausted.

have been driving

has been driving

Bob ___ his new pencil case.

have already lost

has already lost

has already been losing

We ___ to such a big park before.

haven’t never been

My eyes are tired. I ___ since afternoon.

has been reading

have been reading

He ___ in London for two weeks now.

has been staying

have been staying

We ___ the rent yet.

haven’t been paying

Books for a long time?

Has you been writing

Have you been writing

Have you written

Marta __ in the shopping centre for 2 hours.

I ___ to go scuba diving.

have always wanted

have always been wanting

has always wanted

Where have you been? Mom ___ for you all day.

have been looking

has been looking

The latest news?

Have you been hearing

  1. How long/How much have you been looking after your sister"s child?
  2. I am really tired. I have been cleaning my house every day/all day .
  3. Frank is a good driver. He has been driving his truck since/from he was 20.
  4. My neighbour has been working at the airport for/since a long time.
  5. The dog has been barking at/since 6 o"clock this morning.

Задание 2. Напишите полные ответы на вопросы, используя Present Perfect Continuous.

Пример: How long have you been waiting here? (15 minutes) - I have been waiting here for 15 minutes.

  1. How long has your mother been teaching English? (20 years)
  2. Congratulations on your new car! How long have you been saving? (since I started my new job)
  3. Your dad is such a good tennis player. Has he been playing tennis long? (since he was 7)
  4. How long has she been looking for the keys? (an hour)
  5. They look upset. Have they been talking to Jeremy? (yes)

Задание 3. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях. Напротив правильных предложений напишите "RIGHT".

  1. Ann and Kate are very good friends. They have known each other since childhood.
  2. The cat has been slept on the sofa all day.
  3. I have waited for them for half an hour. They must be late.
  4. John is such a good fellow. I have been always liking him.
  5. You are out of breath. Have you been running fast?

Задание 4. Выберите правильное время Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. How is Tom? I haven"t been seeing/haven"t seen him since last weekend.
  2. What a lovely day! The sun has shone/has been shining since morning.
  3. How long have they been reading/read this boring book?
  4. He is a famous writer. How many books has he written/been writing ?
  5. My parents have been living/have lived in Moscow for many years.

Задание 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Present Perfect Continuous (помните об исключениях).

  1. Я жду ее звонка уже целую неделю.
  2. Наш сын играет в футбол с 3 лет.
  3. Мы ничего не слышали от Элисон в последнее время.
  4. Мой сосед слушает эту музыку уже 3 часа.
  5. Анны здесь нет. Она в отпуске с понедельника.

Ответы с пояснениями

Задание 1.
  1. How long

    How long (сколько) употребляется, когда речь идет о времени, how much (сколько) употребляется, когда речь идет о количестве или цене.

  2. all day

    All day (весь день) указывает на употребление Present Perfect Continuous.

  3. since
  4. for

    For a long time (в течение долгого времени) – устойчивое выражение.

  5. since

    Since (с) употребляется, когда речь идет о времени или событии в прошлом, и указывает на то, что эта ситуация продолжается до настоящего момента.

Задание 2.
  1. My mother has been teaching English for 20 years.
  2. I have been saving since I started my new job.
  3. He has been playing tennis since he was 7.
  4. She has been looking for the keys for an hour.
  5. Yes, they have been talking to Jeremy.
Задание 3.
  1. RIGHT

    В этом предложении нет ошибок. Глагол know (знать) не употребляется во временах группы Continuous.

  2. has been sleeping

    Present Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have/has + been + глагол с окончанием -ing .

  3. have been waiting

    Present Perfect Continuous используется, когда мы заинтересованы в том, насколько долго совершается действие – for half an hour.

  4. I have always liked him.

    Глагол like (нравится) не употребляется во временах группы Continuous.

  5. RIGHT

    В этом предложении нет ошибок. Present Perfect Continuous используется для выражения действия, которое только что завершилось и имеет связь с настоящим временем.

Задание 4.
  1. haven"t seen

    Глагол see (видеть) не употребляется в форме Continuous.

  2. has been shining

    Действие началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего момента. В таком случае употребляется Present Perfect Continuous.

  3. been reading

    В вопросительных предложениях, начинающихся с how long , как правило, используется Present Perfect Continuous для действий, которые начались в прошлом и до сих продолжаются.

  4. written

    В вопросительных предложениях, начинающихся с how many , как правило, используется Present Perfect для действий, которые завершились к определенному моменту в настоящем.

  5. have been living or have lived

    Глагол live относится к глаголам, которые могут употребляться как в Present Perfect Continuous, так и в Present Perfect.

Задание 5.
  1. I have been waiting for her call for the whole week.
  2. Our son has been playing football since he was 3.
  3. We haven"t heard anything from Alison recently.
  4. My neighbour has been listening to this music for 3 hours.
  5. Anna is not here. She has been on holiday since Monday.
  1. I/to read/this book/for three days.
  2. We/to play volleyball/ for twenty minutes.
  3. She/to clean/the flat/for more than an hour.
  4. Peter/to swim/for half an hour.
  5. Anna/to speak/on the phone/for an hour now.
  6. You/to wait/for a bus/for ten minutes only.
  7. Nelly and Mary/to do the shopping/since early morning.
  8. It/to snow/since last night.
  9. Jack and his friend/ to ride bikes/for three hours now.
  10. The teacher/to explain/ a grammar rule/since the beginning of the lesson.

Answers: 1. I have been reading this book for three days. 2. We have been playing volleyball for twenty minutes. 3. She has been cleaning the flat for more than an hour. 4. Peter has been swimming for half an hour. 5. Anna has been speaking on the phone for an hour now. 6. You have been waiting for a bus for ten minutes only. 7. Nelly and Mary have been doing the shopping since early morning. 8. It has been snowing since last night. 9. Jack and his friend have been riding bikes for three hours now. 10. The teacher has been explaining a grammar rule since the beginning of the lesson.

Exercise 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Helen … (to wash) the dishes for fifteen minutes.
  2. My classmates … (to write) a dictation since the beginning of the lesson.
  3. Sam … (to drive) a car for five hours now.
  4. I … (to look) for information on the subject since last Friday.
  5. Molly … (to paint) this picture for three days now.
  6. The tourists … (to do) the sightseeing since nine o’clock.
  7. You … (to work) as a computer programmer for more than fifteen years.
  8. The wind … (to blow) since yesterday.
  9. My grandfather … (to collect) coins since he was a boy.
  10. Andy and Den … (to discuss) the plans for their winter holidays for two hours now.

Answers: 1.has been washing; 2.have been writing; 3. has been driving; 4. have been looking; 5. has been painting; 6. have been doing; 7.have been working; 8. has been blowing; 9. has been collecting; 10. have been discussing.

Exercise 3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

  1. You have been writing a report since morning.
  2. We have been working in the garden for three hours.
  3. I have been typing letters since ten o’clock.
  4. Tom has been running for twenty minutes.
  5. A cat has been sitting in the tree for an hour.
  6. Jane has been studying English for two years.
  7. They have been building this house for more than a year.
  8. My parents have been travelling for a week.
  9. I have been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now.
  10. They have been walking since afternoon.

Answers: 1.You haven’t been writing a report since morning. 2. We haven’t been working in the garden for three hours. 3.I haven’t been typing letters since ten o’clock. 4.Tom hasn’t been running for twenty minutes. 5.A cat hasn’t been sitting in the tree for an hour. 6. Jane hasn’t been studying English for two years. 7. They haven’t been building this house for more than a year. 8. My parents haven’t been travelling for a week. 9. I haven’t been having a lesson for fifteen minutes now. 10. They haven’t been walking since afternoon.

Exercise 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Kevin … (to fish) since early morning.
  2. Kim … (not to pack) her things for so long.
  3. You … (to iron) clothes all day.
  4. Allan … (not to wear) this jacket for three years.
  5. I … (not to walk) a dog since four o’clock.
  6. Monica and Sue …(to paint) the walls of the house since ten o’clock in the morning.
  7. Mr May … (to read) this article for more than half an hour now.
  8. It … (not to rain) since afternoon.
  9. My neighbours … (to make) a noise since seven o’clock in the morning.
  10. Brad … (fo try) to catch a taxi for fifteen minutes now.

Answers: 1. has been fishing; 2.hasn’t been packing; 3. have been ironing; 4. hasn’t been wearing; 5. haven’t been walking; 6. have been painting; 7.has been reading; 8. hasn’t been raining; 9. have been making; 10.has been trying.

Exercise 5. Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

  1. He has been boating for four hours.
  2. We have been skating since eleven o’clock.
  3. Lucy has been learning this poem for twenty minutes.
  4. You have been writing this article since afternoon.
  5. My parents have been working in the hospital for thirteen years.
  6. The music has been playing for three hours.
  7. We have been speaking since five o’clock.
  8. Beth has been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes.
  9. They have been preparing for the test for two days.
  10. The baby has been crying for half an hour.

Answers: 1. Has he been boating for four hours? 2.Have we been skating since eleven o’clock? 3.Has Lucy been learning this poem for twenty
minutes? 4. Have you been writing this article since afternoon? 5.Have my parents been working in the hospital for thirteen years? 6. Has the music been playing for three hours? 7. Have we been speaking since five o’clock? 8. Has Beth been taking a bath for thirty-five minutes? 9. Have they been preparing for the test for two days? 10. Has the baby been crying for half an hour?

Exercise 6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. … Jenny … (to wait) for her flight in the airport since twelve o’clock? - No, she …. She … (to wait) for her flight for forty minutes now.
  2. Can I talk with you? - Sorry, I’m busy. I … (to look) for one important paper for more than twenty minutes now and can’t find it.
  3. Is Ed at home? - No, he is in the gym. He … (to train) since five o’clock.
  4. … your mother …(to work) as a manager for ten years? - No, she …. She … (to work) as a manager for eighteen years.
  5. Is Philip fixing the washing-machine? - Yes, he … (to fix) it since nine o’clock.
  6. Alison and Cindy … (not to paint) the walls in the room for two hours. They … (to work) since morning.
  7. The Petersons … (to build) their house for three years now.
  8. Is mother in the kitchen? - Yes, she … (to cook) since four o’clock.
  9. You look tired! - Well, I … (to gather) strawberries for more than two hours.
  10. Where is Ben? - He is in his room. He … (to listen) to music since afternoon.

Answers: 1. Has Jenny been waiting for her flight in the airport since twelve o’clock? - No, she hasn’t. She has been waiting for her flight for forty minutes now. 2. Can I talk with you? - Sorry, I’m busy. I have been looking for one important paper for more than twenty minutes now and can’t find it. 3. Is Ed at home? - No, he is in the gym. He has been training since five o’clock. 4.Has your mother been working as a manager for ten years? - No, she hasn’t. She has been working as a manager for eighteen years. 5. Is Philip fixing the washing-machine? - Yes, he has been fixing it since nine o’clock. 6. Alison and Cindy haven’t been painting the walls in the room for two hours. They have been working since morning. 7. The Petersons have been building their house for three years now. 8. Is mother in the kitchen? - Yes, she has been cooking since four o’clock. 9. You look tired! - Well, I have been gathering strawberries for more than two hours. 10. Where is Ben? - He is in his room. He has been listening to music since afternoon.

Составляя специальные вопросы в настоящем совершенном длительном времени, слова распологают в таком порядке: : вопросительное слово (Wh-word), вспомогательный глагол have/has, подлежащее, глагол been и глагол-сказуемое (с окончанием -ing).
Wh-word + have + l/you/we/they + been + Ving

Wh-word + has + he/she/it/ + been + Ving?

What have you been doing? How long has he been working?
Вопросы к подлежащему образуются только с помощью вспомогательного глагола has:
Who has been crying?

Exercise 7. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям.

  1. He has been speaking to his friend for an hour .
  2. We have been whitewashing the trees in the garden for two hours.
  3. You have been telling us about your work since five o’clock.
  4. She has been translating this text for half an hour .
  5. They have been having lunch in the canteen since one o’clock .

Answers: 1.Who has been speaking to his friend for an hour? To whom has he been speaking for an hour? How long has he been speaking to his friend? 2.Who has been whitewashing the trees in the garden for two hours? What have we been doing in the garden for two hours? Where have we been whitewashing the trees for two hours? What have we been writewashing in the garden for two hours? 3. Who has been telling us about your work since five o’clock? Whom have you been telling about your work since five o’clock? Whose work have you been telling us about since five o’clock? What have you been telling us about since five o’clock? 4. What has she been doing for half an hour? What has she been translating for half an hour? How long has she been translating this text? 5. What have they been having in the canteen since one o’clock? Where have they been having lunch since one o’clock? How long have they been having lunch in the canteen?

Exercise 8. Составьте предложения, используя the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

  1. What/she/to read/since ten o’clock?
  2. Where/we/to drive/ so long?
  3. Den/not to ride/his motor-bike/since three o’clock.
  4. Dolly and Carol/to plant/flowers in the greenhouse for about an hour.
  5. How long/Brian/to learn/English?
  6. Linda/to prepare/for her test/since eight o’clock?
  7. Whom/you/to talk with/for fifty minutes?
  8. Where/they/to play/tennis/since afternoon?
  9. The baby/to sleep/for three hours now.
  10. We/ not to climb/this mountain/for an hour.

Answers: 1. What has she been reading since ten o’clock? 2. Where have we been driving so long? 3. Den hasn’t been riding his motor-bike since three o’clock. 4. Dolly and Carol have been planting flowers in the greenhouse for about an hour. 5. How long has Brian been learning English? 6. Has Linda been preparing for her test since eight o’clock? 7. Whom have you been talking with for fifty minutes? 8. Where have they been playing tennis since afternoon? 9. The baby has been sleeping for three hours now. 10. We haven’t been climbing this mountain for an hour.

Exercise 9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и прочитайте шутку.

A girl is speaking on the phone. She … (to speak) for forty- five minutes now. Her father … (to wait) for an important call since afternoon and he is becoming angry. «How long … you … (to speak), Kate?» cries her father. Kate quickly hangs up the receiver. Her father looks puzzled, «Usually you speak for hours! What has happened now?» «Wrong number», answers Kate.

Answers: She has been speaking for forty-five minutes now. Her father has been waiting for an important call since afternoon and he is becoming angry. «How long have you been speaking. Kate?» cries her father.

Exercise 10. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Put on your raincoat. It… (to rain) since night.
  2. Is Frank in his room? What … he … (to do)? - He … (to prepare) for the French test.
  3. Are Sue and Liz still in the garden? They … (to water) the flowers for an hour now! - No, they … (not to water) the flowers. They … (to weed) for more than an hour.
  4. How long … you … (to travel) around the country? - I… (to travel) for two weeks now.
  5. Ron should be careful. He … (to sunbathe) since eight o’clock.
  6. Whom … your boss … (to shout) at? - He … (to shout) at his new manager. She … (to work) in this office for only three days.
  7. Cindy is worried. She … (to wait) for her parents to come home since six o’clock.
  8. What …they … (to write) since three o’clock? - They … (to write) an article for the scientific journal.
  9. Aren’t Julia and Andrew at home yet? - They are still preparing for the conference in the library. They … (to prepare) for this conference for a week now.
  10. How long … Mr Kane … (to wash) his car? - He … (to wash) it for more than an hour now.

Answers: 1. Put on your raincoat. It has been raining since night. 2. Is Frank in his room? What has he been doing? - He has been preparing for the French test. 3. Are Sue and Liz still in the garden? They have been watering the flowers for an hour now! - No, they haven’t been watering the flowers. They have been weeding for more than an hour. 4. How long have you been travelling around the country? - I have been travelling for two weeks now. 5. Ron should be careful. He has been sunbathing since eight o’clock. 6. Whom has your boss been shouting at? - He has been shouting at his new manager. She has been working in this office for only three days. 7. Cindy is worried. She has been waiting for her parents to come home since six o’clock. 8. What have they been writing since three o’clock? - They have been writing an article for the scientific journal. 9. Aren’t Julia and Andrew at home yet? - They are still preparing for the conference in the library. They have been preparing for this conference for a week now. 10. How long has Mr Kane been washing his car? - He has been washing it for more than an hour now.

Exercise 11. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Они пишут диктант уже полчаса.
  2. Моя естра убирает комнату с утра.
  3. Мальчики плавают в бассейне уже больше часа?
  4. Он не смотрит телевизор с утра.
  5. Вы читаете эту книгу уже четыре дня? - Нет, я читаю ее только два дня.
  6. Что она делает уже три часа? - Она готовится к экзаменам.
  7. Как долго дети играют в парке? - Они играют с пяти часов.
  8. Что ваш брат рассказывает уже двадцать минут? - Он рассказывает о своем попугае.
  9. Какую статью он пишет с утра? - Он пишет статью об известном ученом.
  10. Что они обсуждают уже больше часа? - Они обсуждают последние новости.

Answers: 1. They have been writing a dictation for half an hour already. 2. My sister has been cleaning the room since morning. 3. Have the boys been swimming in the swimming-pool for more than an hour now? 4.He hasn’t been watching TV since morning. 5. Have you been reading this book for four days? - No, I have been reading it for two days only. 6. What has she been doing for three hours? - She has been preparing for the exams. 7. How long have the children been playing in the park? - They have been playing since five o’clock. 8. What has your brother been telling about for twenty minutes already? - He has been telling about his parrot. 9. What article has he been writing since morning? - He has been writing an article about a famous scientist. 10. What have they been discussing for more than an hour now? - They have been discussing the latest news.

2024 english-speak.ru. Изучение английского языка.